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Wayne Mack Campaign, Will Smith, Treasurer
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SAVE THE DATE: Thursday Oct 9, 2025 - 11th Annual Judge Mack's Faith & Freedom Prayer Breakfast" more details and speaker information soon. God bless for your prayers & support!!!


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Political Advertisement Paid for by the Wayne Mack Campaign, Will Smith, Treasurer

Judge Wayne L. Mack

Justice of the Peace, Pct. 1, Justice Court 1
Montgomery County Texas
Judge Wayne Mack has had a distinguished career of public service and Law Enforcement in Montgomery County. In 1985 Wayne worked for a local church’s youth department and joined the Building Maintenance Dept. of Montgomery County in 1986. Wayne’s work ethic & dedication led to rapid promotion to Foreman and soon after to the role of Supervisor. In 1995, Commissioner’s Court named Wayne the Director of Building Custodial Services for Montgomery County until May 2014.

After winning the 2014 Republican Primary Montgomery County Commissioners' Court appointed Judge Mack to fulfill retiring Judge Lanny Moriarty's unexpired term and was sworn in on May 1st, 2014. Judge Mack will begin his elected 4 year term Jan 1, 2015. In short time he has been in office he has kept his promises to increase Court operations office hour to 5 days a week, implemented new Court management software and updated technology and started a new Chaplaincy program that currently has over 60 Churches and Pastors participating that respond to assist Law Enforcement in times of crisis and tragedy to help families affected to help them start the process of grieving & healing.

Judge Mack’s Law Enforcement career

In 2000 Wayne graduated from the Lone Star Community College Police Academy and joined Precinct One Constable Don Chumley as a Deputy Reserve Constable in 2000. Shortly after joining, Wayne was promoted to Captain of the Reserve Division, which supports the department by serving civil process, works patrol, warrant round-ups and work security details at many special events in Precinct One.

In 2003, Wayne revived the Conroe Police Department’s Reserve Unit program. Wayne was the Reserve Unit’s Supervisor for 10 years. The CPD Reserve Unit, which is assigned to the Conroe Police Department Patrol Division, provides patrols in subdivisions, work traffic enforcement, Criminal Investigation Division, and many special events. Wayne has been recognized as Reserve Officer of the Year and has received a Chief’s award for distinguished service & commitment. (Reserve Officers are all non-paid positions.)

Wayne worked part time for Constable Gene DeForest, Pct. 2, as a MAP unit for four years. Wayne is also a adjunct instructor at the Montgomery County Sheriff's Academy.

Wayne Mack's Family

Wayne is happily married to his wife Mindy, who also serves the community in the Communications Division at the Conroe Police Department. He has two children Amber and Austin. Amber and her husband Jon Plowman a 2nd class Petty Officer serving in the US Navy are currently on a 3 year deployment overseas. Austin after graduating from High School and wants to join the Marine Corp. Amber and Austin are following their parent’s example of public service to help and protect others. Wayne has asked them every day of their lives to make a difference and they are.


  • Jackson College of Ministries - majored in Theology, Jackson, MS 1983-1984.
  • Lone Star College- Police Academy - graduated 2000.
  • Licensed Texas Peace Officer with an Advanced Certificate.
  • Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education - over 1100 hours of education and training.
  • Leadership Montgomery County - LMC graduating class of 1999.

The Mack Family
The Mack Family The Mack Family The Mack Family
Austin Amber and Jon Amber and Jon

Wayne Mack's Community Involvement

In the past 24 years, Wayne has been asked to serve on 12 different non-profit Boards and community organizations including: Montgomery County United Way- past Board member; the Conroe Noon Lions Club as: President, past President and Board member, and chaired several committees; Friendship Center Board member, Conroe Family YMCA past Board member, President of his Home Owners Association for 18 years, and served 15 years as a lay youth minister and Sunday school teacher. He has helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for several non-profit organizations in Montgomery County for programs that have changed lives, such as: Montgomery County Youth Services, Women’s Center, Friendship Center, Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts, Children’s Safe Harbor, Conroe Family YMCA and the Montgomery County Fair Association to name only a few.
Why Wayne Mack

Why Judge Wayne L. Mack Wants to Continue The Service as Your Justice of the Peace

Wayne has been an active Conservative member of the Republican Party since 1992. As a result of his involvement and leadership in the Republican Party as a Precinct Chair since 2000, Election Judge, Area Chair, and with all his involvement with several local non-profit agencies, Wayne has been asked many times to consider seeking public office. However, for many years, Wayne has told everyone that has asked him that the only position he would consider seeking is the office of Justice of the Peace. When asked “Why?” , Wayne states "I believe that as a Justice of the Peace I could go to work every day and leave knowing I made a difference." Since he moved here in 1985, Wayne Mack has lived his life with the desire to make a difference.

Wayne believes in “Servant Leadership”, and he also believes that one of the main reasons that our country has some of the political issues and problems we face today is because as a nation we have stopped electing true servant leaders. "We elect individuals based on what they “say they are going to do” and not on what they “have really done”." "By electing true servant leaders, we can change things". He also believes that a leader should prove they are a true servant leader before they should be asked to lead. Wayne has demonstrated this type of leadership in every organization that he has been asked to serve. Wayne has been asked to serve in these many leadership roles and organizations because of his honesty, character, compassion, caring, and a true desire to make a difference and making Montgomery County better for all of our residents by “doing” and not just “saying”.

"I assure the citizens that as their Justice of the Peace I will make a difference, a special area I will focus on will be with the youth of our community. I want them to have every opportunity in life to succeed. I will be that constant caring adult that some children need to know exists as well as the support that parents need when an extra firm approach is required."

"Every day I have an opportunity to have an impact in their lives when they come before me on matters of truancy, underage use/possession of tobacco and alcohol, shop lifting, theft, assault, and curfew violations. An experienced firm, fair, and accountable approach can make the difference in success or failure in a young person’s life."

"Students truant from school effect the entire community and the quality of education for all. Truant students have been responsible for criminal mischief and daytime burglaries. When a truant student is returned to school the teacher is required to remediate that student which takes teaching time away from the other students. The school districts are not compensated for unexcused days missed, further shifting the burden on the community. As a result of their contact with my court they will start to learn responsibility and accountability.”

"For over 30 years I have counseled youth, I have direct experience working with children that have been abandoned, victims of sexual abuse, addicted to drugs, kids that have been given up on and who have given up on themselves. I have worked with them in the community and I have taken them in and cared for them in our home. I know I can make a difference, I know lives can be turned around. "

"I will continue to work with the youth of our communities, I will be active in the schools, I will be engaged and encourage positive accomplishments as well.... Fair Association, High School Service Clubs at the High Schools, and I am sponsoring mentoring programs."

"I will provide an efficient and fair forum to rectify disputes and to provide justice for the citizens of Montgomery County. Rights to property will be respected and my docket will be current."

"Our staff is efficiently disposing of all matters. When called to a citizen at the time of death, I expeditiously and respectfully provide the inquest service."

"Law enforcement does have 24 hour access to me for death calls, search warrants, and other assistance in the field."

Wayne Mack's Community Awards

1997 & 2000
Montgomery County- Boss of the Year
Conroe Noon Lions Club Rookie of the Year
Montgomery County United Way Volunteer of the Year
Conroe Noon Lions Club Lion of the Year
2004 & 2005
Conroe Police Department- Reserve Officer of the Year
Knights of Columbus Conroe Council, Citizen of the Year
Past District Governor’s, Lion’s District 2S2, Distinguished Achievement Award
Lion’s Club International Foundation, Melvin Jones Fellow Award
Montgomery County Employee of the Year
Texas Lion’s Camp for disabled children- Jack Wiech Fellow Award

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The Wayne Mack Campaign P.O. Box 2234 Conroe, TX 77305

Montgomery County - Precinct One

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